The eighth session of the Committee on Environment and Development (CED8) will be organized from 16 October – 18 October 2024 at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok.
About the ESCAP Committee on Environment and Development
The Committee on Environment and Development (CED) is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). It is convened every two years to review regional trends, identify priorities for action, promote dialogue, consider common regional positions and promote a collaborative approach to addressing the development challenges of the region between Governments and civil society, the private sector and the UN System and other international organizations. The CED provides recommendations to the Commission as a body – made up of 53 members and 9 associate members.
What will be discussed at CED8?
The Committee is expected to discuss progress made on the following five priority areas, which are set out in the Ministerial Declaration on Protecting Our Planet through Regional Cooperation and Solidarity in Asia and the Pacific, adopted by the Committee at its seventh session. These include:
- low-carbon transition and low-greenhouse-gas emission development strategies;
- air pollution;
- ocean protection;
- sustainable urban development; and
- access to information concerning the environment and public participation in decision-making processes.
In particular, the discussion will focus on the challenges, opportunities and priorities for localizing action in each of these areas and on sustainable urbanization.
Members and associate members are expected to exchange views on strengthening multilateral cooperation on environment and development challenges facing the region, including through actions taken by cities.
The Committee will guide the secretariat’s strategies and actions to implement relevant Commission resolutions and decisions and to strengthen regional cooperation in accelerating progress in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.