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ESCAP is organizing the Sixth North and Central Asia Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Forum is a unique platform for policymakers and other key stakeholders to share subregional perspectives, discuss collaborative measures to address subregional priorities and exchange good practices to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its conclusions and recommendations will feed into the Tenth Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) of ESCAP and the 2023 UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The Forum will be conducted in English and Russian.

Impressive economic and social development are recorded for North and Central Asian countries in the past two decades, along with increased well-beings of citizens and reduced level of poverty. However, North and Central Asia is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. ESCAP’s flagship publication “Asia Pacific SDG Progress Report 2022” highlighted the widening inequalities in the region amid COVID-19. Regressing trends have been observed for several environmental-related Goals in the subregion. Additionally, COVID-19 recovery efforts in North and Central Asia have been hampered by the volatile energy prices, inflations, reduction of remittance incomes, and shipping and transport disruptions due to the recent geopolitical crises and sanctions. International commitments made by countries to shift towards a decarbonized economy imply that innovation and investment will be required. To lead sustainable recovery, policymakers need to identify challenges which are interlinking nature, and come up with feasible strategies.

Against this backdrop, the Forum will facilitate dialogues among different stakeholders in North and Central Asia on subregional SDG progress and concerted actions to fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Sessions of the Forum will correspond to the Goals in focus at the 2023 HLPF, namely, SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals).

06 Oct 2022
Opening session
  • Opening remarks by Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
  • Remarks by Mr. Abzal Abdikarimov, Vice-Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan
  • Remarks by Ms. Gwi Yeop Son, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, United Nations Development Coordination Office
Session 1: Accelerating the recovery from COVID-19 and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels

Session 1: Accelerating the recovery from COVID-19 and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels

 Moderator: Ms. Michaela Friberg-Storey, The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan

 Presenters/ Speakers:

  • Mr. Arman Bidarbakht Nia, Head, Statistical Data Management Unit, Statistics Division, UNESCAP, and Ms. Sabine Henning, Chief, Sustainable Demographic Transition Section, Social Development Division, UNESCAP
  • Mr. Askar Japparkulov, Director of the Macroeconomic Policy Department, Eurasia Economic Commission
  • Ms. Alybaeva Zhanyl, Deputy Minister of Labor, Social Security and Migration of Kyrgyzstan
  • Ms. Kaisha Atakhanova, Regional Programs Advisor of ARGO (a Civil Society Development Association), member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Information and Social Development of Kazakhstan
  • Mr. Shuvojit Banerjee, Economic Affairs Officer, Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division, UNESCAP


Session 2: SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation

Moderator: Mr. Talaibek Makeev, Economic Affairs Officer, Environment Division, UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

Presenters/ Speakers:

  • Ms. Solène le Doze, Environmental Affairs Officer, Environment and Development Policy Section, Environment and Development Division, UNESCAP and Ms. Soomi Hong, Associate Economic Affairs Officer, Information & Communication Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UNESCAP
  • Mr. Serik Bekmaganbetov, Authorized representative from Kazakhstan to the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)
  • Mr. Stuart Crane, Coordinator SDG 6, Freshwater Unit, Ecosystem Division, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Ms. Dinara Ziganshina, Deputy Director, Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia of Uzbekistan 

Session 3: SDG 7 on affordable and clean energy

Moderator: Mr. Binu Parthan, Head of Regions, Country Engagement and Partnerships Division, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)


  • Mr. Michael Williamson, Chief of Sustainable Energy Development Section, Energy Division, UNESCAP
  • Mr. Georgy Ermolenko, Head of International Cooperation Department, Electric Power Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
  • Ms. Tatyana Vedeneva, President Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Development (CREEED), Kyrgyzstan
  • Ms. Mariam Darchia, Senior Specialist, Sustainable Development Promotion Division, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policy and Sustainable Development Department of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
  • Ms. Aleksandra Prodan, Associate Professional, Country Engagement and Partnerships Team, IRENA
  • Mr. Temirlan Aimagambetov, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation, KAZENERGY Association.
07 Oct 2022
Session 4: SDG 9 on industry, innovation, and infrastructure

Moderator: Ms. Michiko Enomoto, Deputy Head, Subregional Office for North and Central Asia, UNESCAP


  • Ms. Azhar Jaimurzina Ducrest, Chief, Transport Connectivity and Logistics Section, Transport Division, UNESCAP and Ms. Aida Karazhanova, Economic Affairs Officer, ICT for Development Section, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UNESCAP
  • Mr. Dilshod Sharifi - Head of the International Economic Cooperation Department, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Tajikistan
  • Ms. Ekaterina Kozyreva, President, Infrastructure Economics Center International, France
  • Mr. Rustem Bigari, Chief Executive Officer, Digital Government Support Center of Kazakhstan
  • Mr. Farid Nakhli, Programme Coordinator, Regional Office for CIS, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • Mr. Hans Holzhacker, Chief Economist, Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Institute
  • Ms. Anna-Maria Chkoniya, Coordinator, Technical Assistance Fund, Eurasian Development Bank
  • Mr. Timofei Shtakhov, Attaché, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation
Session 5: SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities

Session 5: SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities

Moderator: Mr. Bruno Dercon, Acting Regional Director, Asia-Pacific, UN Habitat

 Presenters/ Speakers:

  • Mr. Curt Garrigan, Chief, Sustainable Urban Development Section, Environment and Development Division, UNESCAP
  • Ms. Aida Darmenova, Head of the Data Management Department of the Digitalization, Department of Almaty, Kazakhstan


  • Mr. Andrew Bower, Program Officer, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, UN Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Mr. Vakhtang Lomjaria, Head of the Municipal Department of Economic Development, Tbilisi City Hall, Georgia
  • Mr. Kurmanbek Moldokulov, Director, Agency for Bishkek City Development and Investments, Kyrgyzstan
  • Ms. Gulnara Roll, Secretary to the Committee for Housing and Urban Development, UNECE


Session 6: SDG 17 on partnerships for the goals

Moderator: Mr. Oliver Paddison, Chief of Section on Countries in Special Situations, UNESCAP

 Presenters/ Speakers:

  • Ms. Mizuho Okimoto-Kaewtathip, Regional Team Leader, Inclusive Growth and Prosperity Advisor, United Nations Development Programme Bangkok Regional Hub
  • Mr. Frank Thomas, Consultant, Asia Development Bank
  • Mr. Binu Parthan – Head of Regions, Country Engagement and Partnerships Division, IRENA
  • Ms. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta - Vice President for International Cooperation and Sustainability, Kazakh-German University
  • Mr. Shenggen Fan, Dean of Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy, Senior Chair Professor at the College of Economics and Management; China Agricultural University
  • Mr. David Morris, Vice Chair of the UNESCAP Sustainable Business Network
  • Ms. Ani Babayan - Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia  

Member states

1    Ms. Ani Babayan    Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
2    Mr. Aram Araratyan    United Nations and Sustainable Development Division at the Department for Multilateral Policy and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

3    Mr. Orman Abdinov    Chief advisor, Department of Sustainable Development and Social Policy of Ministry of Economy 
4    Mr. Asif Verdiev    Director of the Hydrological Center, National Hydrometeorological Service of Azerbaijan
5    Ms. Ulkar Balagadashova    Lead Advisor, The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 
6    Mr. Fuad Humbatov    Head of Department of International Relations and Public Relations, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 

7    Mr. Giorgi Kobelashvili    Second Secretary, Department of International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
8    Mr. Vakhtang Lomjaria    Head of the Municipal Department of Economic Development, Tbilisi City Hall
9    Mr. Advadze David    Head of the of Sustainable Development Support Division of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policy and Sustainable Development Department
10    Ms. Mariam Darchia    Senior Specialist, Sustainable Development Promotion Division, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policy and Sustainable Development Department of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development 

11    Mr. Abzal Abdikarimov    Vice-minister of National Economy 
12    Ms. Nurgul Zhannazarova    Director of the Social policy Department, Ministry of National Economy 
13    Ms. Bakytgul Khambar    Director of the Secretariat for Sustainable Development Goals of Institute of Economic Research
14    Ms. Aida Darmenova    Head of the Data Management Department of the Digitalization, Department of Almaty
15    Mr. Rustem Bigari    Chief Data Officer, Almaty Сity Department of Digitalization
16    Ms. Meruyert Intymakova    Senior Manager, “Baiterek” Holding

17    Ms. Zhanyl Alybaeva,     Vice-minister of Labour, Social Security and Migration 
18    Ms. Gulzaada Aidaralieva    Chief specialist of the Department for the Development of Services for Persons with Disabilities and Elderly citizens of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration 
19    Ms. Aisuluu Amanova    Head of Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce 
20    Mr. Kurmanbek Moldokulov    Director, Agency for Bishkek City Development, and Investments
21    Ms. Irina Kim    Head of the Department, Ministry of Finance 
Russian Federation
22    Mr. Oleg Shamanov    Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to ESCAP
23    Mr. Timofei Shtakhov    Attache, Division for ECOSOC and UN Regional Commissions, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
24    Ms. Aleksandra Khlebnova    Deputy Head of Unit, Ministry of Economic Development 
25    Ms. Maria Skolkova    Officer, Ministry of Economic Development 

26    Ms. Malikova Muhabbat    Chief Specialist of the Department of Regional Development and Monitoring of the Implementation of National Programs of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade 
27    Mr. Dzhalolzoda Muhammad    Head of the Department of Coordination of Macroeconomic Policy and Prospects of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade 
28    Mr. Farrukh Faizullozoda    Head of the Department of Regional Development and Monitoring of the Implementation of National Programs of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade 
29    Mr. Dilshod Sharifi    Head of the International Economic Cooperation Department, Ministry of Economic Development

30    Ms. Elita Shumskaya    Chief Specialist of the Department for Strategic and Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Finance and Economy 
31    Ms. Ogulnabat Gurbanova    Head of the Department of Medical Statistics and Information of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry 

32    Mr. Sanjar Makhmudov    Head of the Department for Attracting Foreign Investments, Economic Diplomacy Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Аffaiгs 
33    Mr. Ulugbek Karimov    Third Secretary of the Economic Diplomacy Directorate, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
International/ Regional Organizations

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
34    Mr. Binu Parthan    Head of Regions, Country Engagement and Partnerships Division
35    Ms. Aleksandra Prodan    Associate Professional, Country Engagement and Partnerships Team

Eurasian Economic Commission
36    Mr. Andrey Panteleev    Head of Economic Policy Strategies Section
37    Mr. Askar Japparkulov    Director of the Macroeconomic Policy Department

Eurasian Development Bank
38    Ms. Anna-Maria Chkoniya    Coordinator of the Technical Assistance Fund 
Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia in Uzbekistan
39    Ms. Dinara Ziganshina    Deputy Director, Scientific Information Center 

Asian Development Bank
40    Mr. Frank Thomas    Consultant

Electric Power Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
41    Mr. Georgy Ermolenko     Head of International Cooperation Department

International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)
42    Mr. Serik Bekmaganbetov    Authorized representative from Kazakhstan

Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Development (CREEED) in Kyrgyzstan
43    Ms. Tatiana Vedenova     President

Academia and Think Tanks
44    Mr. Anton Tsvetov    Senior Research Fellow, SKOLKOVO Institute for Emerging Market Studies
45    Ms. Assel Izekenova    Professor, University of International Business
46    Ms. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta    Kazakh-German University, Vice President for International Cooperation and Sustainability
47    Ms. Ekaterina Kozyreva    President, IEC International, Paris
48    Mr. Hans Holzhacker    Chief Economist, CAREC Institute
49    Ms. Madina Junussova    Senior Research Fellow, University of Central Asia
50    Ms. Meruert Makhmutova    Director, Public Policy Research Center
51    Ms. Saule Nurmakova    Associate Professor, Satbayev University
52    Mr. Shenggen Fan    Chair Professor, China Agricultural University
53    Ms. Surayyo Usmanova    Associate Professor, University of World Economy, and Diplomacy

University of Central Asia
54    Ms. Marzhan Aikimbaeva    Research Fellow
55    Ms. Zalina Enlikeeva    Research Fellow

Civil Society/Non-governmental Organizations
56    Ms. Emma Anakhasyan    Head of Environmental Health Department, Armenian Women for Health, and Healthy Environment
57    Ms. Danara Saranova    Eurasia Foundation in Central Asia
58    Mr. Tomas Akynov    Research and Development Specialist, Eurasia Foundation in Central Asia
59    Mr. David Morris    Vice Chair of the Sustainable Business Network, UNESCAP
60    Ms. Kaisha Atakhanova    Regional Programs Advisor of ARGO (a Civil Society Development Association), Kazakhstan
61    Ms. Olga Dzhanaeva    Director, Women Organization “Alga” 
62    Mr. Temirlan Aimagambetov    Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation, KAZENERGY Association

United Nations
UN Environment Programme
63    Ms. Aidai Kurmanova    Head of Central Asia Office
64    Mr. Stuart Crane    Coordinator SDG 6, Freshwater Unit, Ecosystem Division
International Telecommunication Union
65    Mr. Farid Nakhli    Programme Coordinator, Regional Office for CIS
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
66    Mr. Andrew Bower    Program Officer, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
UN Resident Coordinator Office (RCO)
67    Ms. Michaela Friberg-Storey    UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan
68    Ms. Sabine Machl    UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia
69    Mr. Geldi Myradov    Data Management Officer, Turkmenistan
70    Mr. Manuchehr Rakhmonov    Partnership and Development Finance Officer, Tajikistan
71    Mr. Marat Shashkenov    Economist, Kazakhstan
72    Mr. Owais Parray    Economist, Tajikistan
73    Mr. Zarif Jumaev    Economist, Uzbekistan
UN Economic Commission for Europe
74    Ms. Gulnara Roll    Secretary to the Committee for Housing and Urban Development
75    Mr. Talaibek Makeev    Economic Affairs Officer, Environment Division
UN Human Settlements Programme (UN - Habitat)
76    Mr. Bruno Dercon    Acting Regional Director, Asia-Pacific
77    Ms. Olga Tsaplina    Program Officer
78    Mr. Ricardo Maroso    Project Team Leader
79    Mr. Matthew Nelms    Affiliate
UN Development Coordination Office
80    Ms. Gwi Yeop Son    Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia
UN Development Programme  (UNDP)
81    Ms. Irina Gukasova     Project Coordinator
82    Ms. Mizuho Okimoto-Kaewtathip    Regional Team Leader, Inclusive Growth and Prosperity Advisor, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub

UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
83    Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana    Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 
84    Mr. Arman Bidarbakht Nia    Head, Statistical Data Management Unit, Statistics Division
85    Ms. Azhar Jaimurzina Ducrest    Chief, Transport Connectivity and Logistics Section, Transport Division
86    Mr. Oliver Paddison    Chief of Section on Countries in Special Situations
87    Mr. Curt Garrigan    Chief, Sustainable Urban Development Section, Environment and Development Division
88    Mr. Michael Williamson    Chief of Sustainable Energy Development Section, Energy Division
89    Ms. Sabine Henning    Chief, Sustainable Demographic Transition Section, Social Development Division
90    Mr. Sanjay Srivastava    Chief, Disaster Risk Reduction Section, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division
91    Ms. Caitlin Porter    Senior Voluntary National Report Advisor
92    Ms. Aida Karazhanova    Economic Affairs Officer, ICT for Development Section, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division
93    Mr. Channarith Meng    Economic Affairs officer, ICT and Disaster Reduction Division
94    Ms. Juliet Braslow    Sustainable Development Officer, Section on Countries in Special Situations, Office of the Executive Secretary
95    Ms. Kayla Kingseed    Consultant
96    Ms. Madhubashini Fernando    Economic Affairs Officer, Section on Countries in Special Situations, Office of the Executive Secretary
97    Ms. Patricia Wong Bi Yi    Associate Economic Affairs Officer, Statistics Division
98    Mr. Selahattin Selsah Pasali    Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division
99    Mr. Sergey Tulinov    Economic Affairs Officer, Energy Division 
100    Mr. Shuvojit Banerjee    Economic Affairs Officer, Macroeconomic Policy, and Financing for Development Division
101    Ms. Solène le Doze    Environmental Affairs Officer, Environment and Development Policy Section, Environment and Development Division
102    Ms. Soomi Hong    Associate Economic Affairs Officer, Information & Communication Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division
103    Ms. Symone McCollin-Norris    Consultant
104    Ms. Vanessa Steinmayer    Population Affairs Officer, Social Development Division
105    Ms. Narada Samuel Kalra    Staff assistant, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division

UN ESCAP Subregional Office for North and Central Asia
106    Mr. Nikolay Pomoshchnikov    Head
107    Ms. Michiko Enomoto    Deputy Head, Senior Economic Affairs Officer 
108    Ms. Elvira Mynbayeva    Programme Management Officer
109    Ms. Chiara Amato    Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCAP SONCA/ Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division
110    Ms. Ainur Dyussyubekova    Administrative Assistant
111    Ms. Dinara Assaubayeva    Research Assistant
112    Ms. Adina Alibayeva    Programme Management Assistant
113    Mr. Rauan Zainov    Team Assistant/Driver
114    Mr. Valentin Gryunberg    Consultant
115    Ms. Danna Tyo    Economic Affairs Intern












for more information, please contact

Subregional Office for North and Central Asia +77 2733-4417 [email protected]
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