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15 February 2021 | Open meeting

Stats Cafe no. 30

About the session

With the COVID-19 pandemic significantly changing our world, official statisticians are now urged to apply new approaches to reduce face to face data collections One approach has been switching to mixed mode surveys, where a combination of modes such as face-to-face, telephone, web based questionnaire, etc is used to collect data Although this approach seems promising, there are technical issues that should be considered and technical capacity has not always caught up with demands.

A recent Stats Café on "Is COVID-19 introducing mode effects into your official statistics?" co-hosted by ESCAP and the UN Statistical Commission’s Inter Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys focused on mixed mode household surveys The Café shared practices around the more ‘front end’ parts of surveys such as questionnaires and field operations but many participants requested advice on the ‘back end’ parts.

This Stats Café was organised as a rapid response to participant questions for advice on imputation, weighting and estimation in mixed mode data collections.


Gemma Van Halderen
Gemma Van Halderen
Chief Data Officer, Data and Evaluation Group, Australian Government Department of Social Services
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Ms Gemma Van Halderen has over thirty years of experience in government statistics and more recently, as Chief Data Officer in the Australian Government Department of Social Services. From 2018-2021, she was Director of the UN ESCAP Statistics Division and worked extensively with governments, multilateral agencies and the statistical community to support developing nations across Asia and the Pacific meet their data obligations under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and respond to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Ms Van Halderen has been a member of the statistical profession since her undergraduate days, filling executive committee roles with her local branch of the Australian Statistical Society before expanding to the International Association for Official Statistics and becoming an elected member of the International Statistics Institute.  She was the focal point for the Association’s Young Statistician Prize from 2014-2023, and participated in World Statistics Congresses in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brazil, Turkey and Australia.

Ms. Van Halderen holds an Honour’s degree in mathematical statistics from the Australian National University.

Introduction to the session

Haoyi Chen
Haoyi Chen
Coordinator, IS Working Group on Household Surveys, United Nations Statistics Division
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Haoyi Chen is the Coordinator of the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys. Before she joined the current position in September 2019, she led the programme on international migration statistics at the UN Statistics Division. She has also worked on various statistical areas including gender statistics, population censuses, civil registration and vital statistics. She holds a Ph.D degree in Statistics from the University of Florida.


Z. Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin
Z. Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin
Assistant Research Scientist Institute for Social Research University of Michigan
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Z. Tuba Suzer Gurtekin is an Assistant Research Scientist at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. Her research includes managing monthly surveys of consumer attitudes, expectations and behavior. Her published research focuses on methods to quantify nonresponse and measurement survey errors in probability and nonprobability sample surveys, and mixed-mode survey design and inference. Her research experience has included development of alternative sample, methodology and questionnaire designs, data collection and analysis methods for a general population in parallel survey modes. She also teaches Survey Sampling for Clinical Research at the University of Michigan’s Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis program (OJOC CRDSA).

Bruce Fraser
Bruce Fraser
Director Household Statistics Methodology Australian Bureau of Statistics
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Bruce Fraser is the Director of Household Statistics Methodology at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), leading the methodological support for ABS household survey, the population census, and demographic statistics. Bruce has 35 years experience with official statistics in Australia, including seven years in his current role. Bruce is also a member of the Pacific Statistics Methods Board.

Kevin McGee
Kevin McGee
Senior Economist, Data Production and Methods Development Data Group, World Bank
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Kevin McGee is a Senior Economist with the Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS) team in the Development Data Group of the World Bank. His primary areas of research include poverty, agriculture, and health. He also specializes in survey design, methodology, and implementation. As a member of the LSMS-ISA team, he currently supervises ongoing survey activities in Nigeria and co-leads capacity building programs under the Center for Development Data (C4D2). He completed his PhD in economics at American University in 2014.

Title Speaker/Presenter PPT
Introduction to the session Haoyi Chen (Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys)
Mixed mode Survey: Estimation and Inference Z. Tuba Suzer-Gurtekin (University of Michigan)
Weighting for mixed modes with COVID 19 impacts Bruce Fraser (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
Reducing Bias in Phone Survey Samples: Effectiveness of Reweighting Techniques using Representative Frames Kevin McGee (World Bank)

for more information, please contact

Statistics Division +66 2288 1234 [email protected]