About the session
With the COVID-19 pandemic significantly changing our world, official statisticians are now urged to apply new approaches to reduce face to face data collections One approach has been switching to mixed mode surveys, where a combination of modes such as face-to-face, telephone, web based questionnaire, etc is used to collect data Although this approach seems promising, there are technical issues that should be considered and technical capacity has not always caught up with demands.
A recent Stats Café on "Is COVID-19 introducing mode effects into your official statistics?" co-hosted by ESCAP and the UN Statistical Commission’s Inter Secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys focused on mixed mode household surveys The Café shared practices around the more ‘front end’ parts of surveys such as questionnaires and field operations but many participants requested advice on the ‘back end’ parts.
This Stats Café was organised as a rapid response to participant questions for advice on imputation, weighting and estimation in mixed mode data collections.